Here's everything to help you get your problem sorted.
HomeBuy (sometimes referred to as Keyworker HomeBuy, Starter Home Initiative HomeBuy or Open Market HomeBuy) was a scheme which allowed applicants to buy a home of their choice on the open market with the help of an equity loan from us. Find out more if you received a HomeBuy loan.
There are a number of third party agencies you can approach for advice relating to your lease. You may also apply to a tribunal to resolve a dispute with your landlord.
We (or the property owner) are responsible for insuring the building, but not leaseholders’ personal belongings. You should take out your own contents insurance as it is essential that your belongings are protected. Find out about insurance as a leaseholder.
We provide at least a night latch for the door of tenants' homes. You may want to fit more locks on doors and windows for extra security.
Major works are any works that fall outside what could be considered routine or day-to-day maintenance, or works that require any kind of project management. These are usually structural repairs or those of a technical nature.
How to make payments for your rent or service charge as well as how to receive payments from us.
As you use your home day to day there will naturally be wear and tear inside to areas like kitchens and bathrooms, in shared communal areas to flooring and walls and outside to woodwork like windows, doors and roofs. To keep your home in a good condition, we replace and repair these areas proactively in a planned programme of work.
It's your right to receive reliable property management services from the management agency of your building/estate, usually us.
We are committed to ensuring our residents have the same access to services whatever their circumstances and one of the ways we do this is through reasonable adjustment.