Our work in the community
Our work is not just about homes, we also want to invest in our residents’ present and future. Our regeneration social and economic investment team, Make it Happen, has a focus on empowering and enriching our residents’ lives through a range of services. We are proud to have social economic investment at the forefront of our regeneration.
Make it Happen works with various partners to support local people in accessing appropriate services, skills and training according to what they need. They also work to meet individual needs and aspirations. This means:
- Helping local residents and families access services to help with their finances such as independent debt advice through the Citizen’s Advice.
- Providing support through our partners at the Old Library who help with employment skills, training programmes and apprenticeships.
- Improving the prospects of local residents by supporting and nurturing their enterprise and business start-up ambitions through the Grahame Park Business Incubator @20 The Concourse.
- Working with community organisations to deliver initiatives for specific groups of people such as young people or over 50s.
- Extra support for those who are particularly vulnerable or hard to reach.

Make It Happen is the delivery vehicle for Notting Hill Genesis’ inclusive social and economic investment programmes, which commissions and grant funds, projects that support with meeting priorities for Woodberry Down residents.
Make it Happen is delivered in partnership with Manor House Development Trust, Hackney Citizens Advice, Active Within, London Wildlife Trust, West Reservoir Centre, Pocket Power, Tutors United, Fame Star Youth, Hackney Council and Berkeley Homes.
Our delivery partners support local people access appropriate services, skills, training and meeting individual needs and aspirations.
This means:
- Providing local residents and families with access to services such as independent debt and financial advice through the Citizen’s Advice, and health and wellbeing programmes such as our ‘Let’s Get Active’, free programme of exercise classes and support to suit the resident’s needs.
- Improving the prospects of our young residents by supporting and nurturing their aspirations through English and maths tutoring, work experience, mentoring and empowering young people to influence and benefit from the regeneration.
- Collaborating with community organisations to deliver initiatives meeting the needs of priority groups such as young people, 50+, Vulnerable, Hard to reach or those furthest from access, support and/or additional needs.
If you are interested in learning more about our services and what’s available please email makeithappen@nhg.org.uk.