Notting Hill Genesis commissioned an independent survey company (The Leadership Factor) to carry out our Tenant Perception Survey in 4 phases between May 2023 and March 2024. We gathered 3254 different survey responses, and all have been included in the results. As well as publishing our results from all residents, we’ll break this down into two key groups called ‘low cost renters’ and ‘low cost home owners’.

Low cost renters is a term used by the Regulator of Social Housing to mean general needs, supported, intermediate rent and temporary social housing. Low cost home owners are shared owners who have not fully staircased. As part of the survey, we had 2135 responses from the low cost renters group and 569 responses from the low cost home owners group.

Before the TSMs framework was introduced, we were already doing an annual survey of our residents, so to ensure we’re still hearing from residents in all tenures we’ve extended the TSM survey beyond the low cost renter and low cost home owners groups to include a sample of residents across all tenures.

We’re pleased that we managed to hear from a broad range of residents. The majority of surveys were carried out as phone interviews. Some surveys were done by postal survey to ensure we gave as many different residents as possible the chance to take part. The postal survey specifically targeted residents living in our supported accommodation and as well as our co-op managed residents. A full table showing the number of responses for each survey method is available here.

The survey company surveyed a random sample of all our residents, and ensured this was a representative sample. For example, we ensured that the number of responses reflected the number of residents we have in different age groups, living in different regions, residents of different ethnicities or living in different types of accommodation, such as permanent rented or housing with care and support. Full details of the characteristics we used to ensure the sample was representative is available for both low cost renter and low cost home owner results.

Terms explained

Low cost renters Low cost home owners Other tenures
  • General needs
    (social rent)
  • Supported housing
  • Sheltered housing
  • Intermediate market rent
  • Temporary housing
  • Key worker
  • London Living Rent
  • Shared owners
    (in properties which have not been fully staircased)
  • Leasehold
  • SimpliCity
  • Temporary housing
    (not owned, managed)
  • Folio
    (market rent)

Responses by survey method

This table shows how the responses break down by collection method:

  Telephone Post
Low cost renters 2104 31
Low cost home owners 569 0

Summary of representativeness - Low cost renters

Tenant perception measures Relevant tenant population (% total) Total survey responses (% total)
Housing category    
Housing 87.2 86.3
KEY WORKER 2.7 2.7
Supported 9 8.9
Temporary Housing 0.3 1.4
Asian or Asian British 9.5 9.8
Black, Black British, Caribbean, or African 25.1 26.1
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups 4.9 5
Other ethnic group 6.2 5.3
Unknown 18.9 17.8
White 35.4 35.9
25 and under 2.2 2.7
26-35 12.4 12.6
36-45 19.1 18.2
46-55 22.9 21.1
56-65 22.3 21.8
66-75 11.4 12.3
Over 75 7.5 8.1
Unknown 2.1 3.1

Summary of representativeness - Low cost home owners

Tenant perception measures Relevant tenant population (% total) Total survey responses (% total)
Housing category    
Home Ownership 92.8 92.8
Housing 1.1 1.1
Supported 6.1 6.2
Asian or Asian British 4.1 3.5
Black,  Black British, Caribbean or African 4.3 4.4
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups 1.6 1.8
Other ethnic group 1.2 0.5
Unknown 65 64.5
White 23.9 25.3
25 and under 0.8 0.7
26-35 16.7 15.6
36-45 28.8 26.9
46-55 21.1 20
56-65 14.6 14.9
66-75 6 6.5
Over 75 5.2 8.3
Unknown 6.7 7

Rationale for the choice of characteristics

The categories shown in the table above were selected to ensure that we have a balance of representation across characteristics which we know to be typically relevant to our resident satisfaction- that is, housing category, ethnicity, region, and age. For instance, we know residents in our supported housing category typically score more highly on satisfaction overall, so it was important to ensure the sample of responses for that group was proportionate to that population size. We also know that the housing category is relevant to the way in which we provide our service, and those differences in how we deliver our service are likely to influence tenants perception. In 23/24 ‘region’ was not relevant to low cost home owners as we did not categorise the stock in this way, so this was not included as a characteristic for this group. We also took into consideration the regulators’ guidance on characteristics as well as which data we had available to be able to segment the resident population.