I strongly believe in community, sustainability, and equal opportunities for all people and am confident that I can make a real impact as a resident member on the group board. Emma-Louise Stewart - Resident board memberResident forum

The resident forum will be in place to strengthen the voice of residents and communicate with Notting Hill Genesis staff and residents. The resident forum will be led by residents, for residents, with a diverse membership from across our communities, including our resident board members, one of which will chair the resident forum meetings.

The resident forum has three roles:

  • To improve the flow of feedback from residents to board and vice versa.
  • To recommend service improvement projects informed by the scrutiny of performance data and resident insight and feedback.
  • To provide oversight and assess the impact of the resident involvement and engagement programme.

At the heart of our ‘Voice of Customer’ approach, the forum will meet throughout the year to scrutinise our performance information and gain insight from the different ‘touchpoints’ such as local engagement, complaints and satisfaction scores to develop resident-led scrutiny projects to improve areas of service they identify.

The resident forum is recruiting

Our new resident forum is looking for new members and you are now invited to apply to be part of this group.

We look forward to applications from residents of all tenure types and regions as well different backgrounds such as age, ethnicity, gender, those who identify as having a disability and sexual orientations.

We would encourage all residents to apply, whether you are involved with us already or not, and you will receive free training and support.

Find out more and apply.

Governance committees

Residents can also sit on our various governance committees. By doing so, residents will have the opportunity to engage with our board on topics such as strategy, budgets and risk management.

Please look out for any vacancies for these committees in Connections or the ‘Get Involved’ newsletter.

Want to get involved?

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Ways to get involved

Resident Involvement Tour

Improve your community

From forming a Residents’ Association to taking part in an estate inspection or rating the quality of your cleaning and gardening contractors, or if you live in a street property, there are many ways in which you can give feedback and improve your community and neighbourhoods.
Resident Scrutiny Panel

Take part in short consultations

Residents can also take part in one-off activities. This is a flexible opportunity for residents to have their say and help improve services without necessarily committing to attending regular meetings. Often this can be done remotely over email, by survey or for those without access to digital services, we can work with individuals to support them to get involved.
Resident Involvement Meeting 1

Join a service improvement project

Currently there are a number of residents projects that meet to look at different service areas. Find out how to get involved.