Residents' association
A residents' association (RA) is a representative group made up of local residents living in a particular area. It plays a part in dealing with problems at a local level, as well as organising activities such as social events and finding ways of improving the local area. It represents the views of its membership and residents to their landlord, the local authority and any other relevant agencies. Our Resident Involvement and Engagement team will support you in setting your group and making sure that you are able to meet all the criteria to be a recognised as Notting Hill Genesis Residents’ Association, All RA’s have access to benefits such as grant money, training, events and can be involved in other projects and consultations.
Read our RA toolkit and good practice guide for some handy tips and hints to get things going. Contact your local officer or the team when you’re ready to proceed. As part of your RA, you will need to adopt our model constitution, hold regular meetings and an Annual General Meeting (AGM) AGM and have a registered bank account for your RA. You will also need to complete this annual form on a yearly basis. As a constituted RA and by providing this information each year, you will be eligible for a small grant to help run your association. You can read more about your rights as a residents' association in the FAQs too.
Involvement recognition
We welcome resident involvement and reward contributions through yearly prize draws, events, vouchers and more. Read our Resident Involvement Reward and Recognition policy for full details on how we recognise resident engagement.
Want to set up or join a residents’ association?
Read our RA toolkit and good practice guide for some handy tips and hints to get things going. Contact your local officer or the team when you’re ready to proceed. As part of your RA, you will need to adopt our model constitution, hold regular meetings and an AGM and have a registered bank account for your RA. You will also need to complete this annual form on a yearly basis. As a constituted RA and by providing this information each year, you will be eligible for a small grant to help run your association. You can read more about your rights as a residents' association in the FAQs.
Joint estate inspections
Join your housing officer or Property Management Officer on their monthly estate inspections. They will advertise for local residents to occasionally walkaround with them as they carry out their routine inspections. Contact your housing officer or PMO to express interest or to find out when the next one will be.

Resident monitors
As a local volunteer, you’ll monitor and assess the quality of estate services carried out by our contractors for where you live. This can include rating services via text message or accompanying a housing officer or PMO on an estate inspection.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email

Ways to get involved