We want all our residents to feel warm, safe, and comfortable in their homes. To help achieve this, we’ve created a special fund to improve the energy efficiency of 1000 homes over the next two years.
Our fund has been boosted with money from the government’s social housing decarbonisation scheme – which aims to reduce energy usage and lower bills for social housing tenants across the UK.
We’re working with our trusted contractors – Mulalley and Equans and their experienced, accredited installers to improve your home.
Our fund is targeted at social rented homes that have an EPC rating of D, E, F or G. An EPC will give a home a rating from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). A very efficient home might have things like very good insulation in walls and roofs, an efficient heating system, or renewables like solar panels.

How it works
There's a lot to consider when making energy improvements - so we've tried to summarise the key steps in the process for you.
Efficiency measures
Find out more about the the energy efficiency measures being installed as part of the Warmer Homes programme.
Your home energy survey
Before energy improvements can be made to your home, we need to complete an energy survey.
Marcus Garvey Mews
Hear from staff and residents about how things went at our first location for the Warmer Homes programme.
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