We recognise that there is still work to do in improving our communication with you. In addition to creating more opportunities for face-to-face interaction, our frontline colleagues will be supported to respond to you within our published timeframes and provide meaningful information when they contact you.
The onsite team includes a property management officer (Jordan), a housing officer (Daniel) and an estate operations manager (Wunmi).
Jordan is responsible for co-ordinating maintenance and repairs on the estate and for working with the 160 leaseholders who live here to answer questions and resolve concerns. This is a more dedicated resource than for other Notting Hill Genesis sites, where PMOs typically look after between four and eight sites and around 250 residents each.
Wunmi’s role is not widely used across Notting Hill Genesis sites, but was introduced at The Exchange to support improved customer service, and deliver more rapid resolution of day-to-day issues.
Those of you who rent your homes at The Exchange from Notting Hill Genesis also have access to Daniel John, your housing officer. He is responsible for organising repairs within your homes, answering questions and resolving issues.
We are confident that the current resourcing levels at The Exchange are sufficient for routine matters, but have brought in additional resources to support the more complex issues.
In general terms, the onsite team aim to resolve queries as quickly as possible and on the first contact if they can. You should always receive a response within five working days at most. If you’ve called to speak directly to one of the team, they try to return your call within one working day. Where they can’t answer a question, they will let you know and advise you when you can expect a full response.
For repairs requests, they should respond and let you know what the plan of action for the repair is and then keep you updated until completion.
The team have access to your account history and to information about the history of The Exchange, so they shouldn’t require you to explain things twice or provide historical context. As we develop and enhance our operating practices, including our online portal, all our staff will have more useful information readily available to help them solve problems faster.
We appreciate that communication hasn’t been as quick as it should have been at times, especially during the heating and hot water outages. During incidents such as those, you’ll understand that the team receive a large number of similar queries. Rather than trying to respond individually, they prioritise resolving the problem and send out site-wide updates.