In February, the government confirmed the timelines for the implementation of Awaab’s law, which will introduce time limits for social landlords, including us, to respond to potential hazards in residents’ homes.
Please remember that we have a range of help and advice to support you in managing damp and mould yourself, but we also appreciate that not all cases can be tackled by you.
In those circumstances, please call our dedicated telephone line on 020 8451 8001 (available Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or contact your local officer.
If we’ve completed work to deal with damp and mould in your home over the past 12 months, we’ll be in touch in early March to check our repair solved the problem. If it didn’t, please get in touch or report the issue via MyAccount.
What can you do to help prevent mould growth in your home?

Opening windows to allow for ventilation is important.

Keeping your heating between 18 and 21 degrees will help reduce humidity.

Wipe off condensation on your windows to reduce humidity and moisture.

Clean areas affected with a vinegar or bleach solution.
How can you help us?
Quick action is important, so report damp and mould issues in your home as soon as possible so we can act to make sure it is safe.
On MyAccount, you can log a damp and mould inspection visit. By adding photos you can help your local officer understand your issue. Please take photos before cleaning any mould so we can best assess the problem.
Your local officer will visit you within 10 days and discuss what actions will be taken to resolve the issue. All the information will be provided to you directly as well as in MyAccount.
Using MyAccount will help us to monitor cases of damp and mould and develop further strategies for dealing with repeated or persistent cases.
A warm home can reduce condensation
If you have concerns about the heating in your home you can find help and advice on our cost of living support page.