As part of our better experiences programme, we’re embarking on a project to ensure the data we hold about our customers is useful and can help us tailor our service to you.
The outcome of our recent routine regulatory inspection shows that we need to improve the service we offer our residents. Although we are already making inroads through our Better Together corporate strategy, it’s clear we still have work to do.
Treating our residents as individuals and really making the effort to understand how you want to interact with us and how you want to be treated will go some way in meeting our better connections strategic objectives.
The Know our Customer project
We want to offer a more personalised service to you. To do this we intend to conduct research and use the data to split our residents into different personas based on their needs, wants, attributes, motivations, goals and behaviours. Each persona will command a different service from us, and we will change our processes to take this into account.
We’ve partnered with Trajectory, a research and insights company, to help us gather the data, segment our customers and develop our personas.
To ensure we have all the data we need, we need to send all our residents a detailed survey about their lifestyle. Please look out for the survey and fill it in when you receive it. You will only receive the survey if we hold a valid email address for you.
On first look, you may think it feels quite intrusive, but rest assured it is completely anonymous, and the results will only be used to improve our service to you.
None of the data we collect can be used to personally identify you or other members of your household. None of the questions in the survey will collect personally identifiable information (such as name, contact details or address). We will use the data we capture as part of this survey only to design our personas, and it won’t be kept on file.
As a thank you for taking the time to fill in the survey, you have the option of adding your email address to be entered into our prize draw to win one of several £50 vouchers. We won't use the email address you add to link any of the answers you gave in the survey to you.
The second part of this project is to ensure we hold useful data on all our residents and their households, to ensure we provide the best possible service to you.
We’ve identified the data fields that we should hold on each of our residents. These range from the obvious like name, date of birth and whether or not the rent is paid through housing benefit, to more personal information like if you or a member of your household have a vulnerability that we need to know about to adapt our service to you.
This may mean that certain repairs or other services you request from us are prioritised, or we know to contact you a certain way because of your flagged vulnerability.
We promise to keep your data safe and only make it available to those who need to see it to adapt our service appropriately.
This part of the project may mean we ask you to provide insight into your lives over the coming months, if we don’t already hold the information we need. Please don’t be offended and give us the information we require, so we can improve our service to you and your family.