Residents gather at a consultation meeting.

19 Dec 2023

Help shape our future – board and committee opportunities

We are looking for people who live in our homes (tenants and leaseholders), who have a passion to improve Notting Hill Genesis, to join our formal decision-making process. Strategy is set by the board where there are two strong resident members, one of whom will be standing down in 2024. We also have key decision-making committees where we are looking for residents (tenants or leaseholders) to bring their insight and skills.   

Earlier this year Emma-Louise Stewart, a tenant, joined the board. In this recruitment round, we are looking for a leaseholder to join the board. There are also places on our important decision-making committees for residents, both tenants and leaseholders. 

We are looking for Notting Hill Genesis residents who have suitable skills or are willing to learn, to join the board or a committee.   

They will provide advice and bring their experience and energy to drive forward the strategic agenda of the board and/or the committee. They will provide a constructive challenge of proposals so that decisions made achieve the best outcome. 

The right candidates will have skills to allow them to ensure that the interests of our residents are taken into account as the board or committee makes its decisions. They will fully engage with all aspects of the board or committee's work.  On the board, this includes setting strategy, budgets, managing risk and working with other board members. Committee members undertake specialist work within the relevant committee’s key areas of focus.  

The board is supported by six strong committees with significant powers: 

  • Audit and risk committee – overseeing our financial strength and integrity 
  • Development and sales committee – overseeing a development and regeneration programme that provided around 1300 new homes last year 
  • Nominations committee – overseeing recruitment to our committees and board 
  • Operations committee – overseeing performance across our residential businesses 
  • People committee – overseeing pay and reward for top staff and board and committee members 
  • Corporate finance and treasury committee - overseeing the borrowings we make to provide new homes 

The time commitment is six or so late afternoon meetings a year, attendance at an annual overnight strategy event and engagement in training and support throughout the year, along with the opportunity to support other wider resident involvement activities. You will need to read papers beforehand and be expected to actively participate in meetings. There will be support available to help you get to know the work of the board/committee and the organisation more widely.      

For more information or to apply, please email If applying please include a CV and covering letter.

You can find more information about our organisation on the website. 

Our resident involvement model 

Our wide-ranging resident involvement model also works to support how we make decisions. We look to provide a wide range of ways in which you can influence how we work. This can be as simple as talking to your local officer, or those with more time can become an involved resident and take part in a variety of activities from one off consultation, attending focus groups or be involved in projects or monitoring and oversight groups. Involved residents have access to several benefits such as training, attending events and thank you vouchers.  

We are proud signatories of the G15 Ethnic Diversity Pledge to encourage more diversity in the boardroom and at senior levels. The pledge on Black, Asian and minority ethnic diversity commits us to reflect the ethnic diversity of the communities we work in at all levels, particularly at senior managerial, leadership and board levels.