Our community engagement work at Curry Rise and Bray Road has been recognised by the prestigious Pineapple Awards.
The nomination rewards the extensive and varied ways we have worked with the community at the estate to get their input on a proposed regeneration and the new homes it will create. This included balloting residents initially on our proposal and getting the community involved in the design and ideas for naming the neighbourhood.
The winning name for the redeveloped estate, as a result of the residents’ vote, is Millbrook Rise.
Placemaking has been instrumental on this project, with a strong focus on branding to make sure the place feels as one.
We have consistently engaged with residents about various aspects of the estate’s redevelopment, led by establishing the resident steering group (RSG), which acts as community representatives. We wanted the regeneration to reflect community priorities, such as combating overcrowding through providing larger homes.
The RSG were also involved in procurement and final selection of the landscape consultant, working closely with them, providing feedback on the garden space design and which amenities would be provided, such as more accessible pedestrian routes and seating areas.
The plans will deliver 329 new homes, including replacement social rented homes for existing residents, as well as others for shared ownership and private sale. It also gives us the opportunity to create more attractive surroundings including landscaping, children’s play areas, places to sit and relax and greater biodiversity.
We have provided residents with a clear roadmap for the redevelopment, which sets out the preferred masterplan option, a phasing strategy and information on residents’ rights.
The RSG will continue to play a central role in the project, providing overarching project scrutiny and helping to design the estate engagement and communications strategy at key milestones.
The Pineapple Awards are all about celebrating places, whether it be a wholly new place or a redevelopment. All shortlisted projects had to present their work live at the Festival of Place, ahead of the winners being announced later in March.