We’ve recently amended some of our policies and procedures.
Below we update you on the policies and procedures that have recently been reviewed and updated and set out exactly what has been changed.
Mutual exchange
Following a review of the mutual exchange policy, it has now been updated. As a result, the following changes have been made:
- Under-occupation. The policy now specifies that if you are completing a mutual exchange, only those who were already under-occupying can under-occupy after a mutual exchange. This is to make sure we are doing everything we can to meet housing need.
- A new ‘supporting mutual exchanges’ section. This section aligns with our commitments set out in our vulnerability policy.
- A new ‘appeals and complaints’ section to clarify the process for if you are dissatisfied with the way your application for mutual exchange has been handled. The lettings panel and their process is also explained.
- A new ‘gas and electrical checks’ section explaining the necessity for these to be carried out prior to a mutual exchange.
Improvements policy
The improvements policy has been updated following a review and these changes have been made:
- We have added to the definition of improvement, providing examples for clarity around what constitutes as an improvement
- A clarified statement on residential leases, explaining that where provision to request an improvement is explicitly denied, we will consider changing the clause through a deed of covenant, particularly where the request is for an aid or adaptation, at a cost to the leaseholder. This is to ensure we are considering the different needs of our residents
- Appendix 1 has been added to include the process we use to calculate compensation
- The policy also is more transparent over what improvements do and do not require our consent
Lettings appeals
We have developed a leaflet explaining the process of appealing the decision made about your tenancy or transfer status. The leaflet explains:
- What the lettings panel is and the appeals it considers
- How you can request an appeal
- How we come to a decision about the request
- Application outcomes
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review
We have also created a new leaflet explaining the ASB case review process (formerly the community trigger).
The ASB case review is a way of making sure victims of ASB and hate incidents can request a review of how their reports of ASB have been responded to, and if there is any further action that can be taken.
If you have reported ASB to us three times in the last six months and consider no action has been taken, then you may meet the criteria for an ASB case review. Please see the leaflet for further information.